General Lecture Information
- Lecture location is Skilling auditorium.
- Lectures will be recorded and the recordings can be accessed on Canvas.
Lecture 1: Why are you here?
Lecture resources
- Lecture notes: [PDF]
- Slides: [PDF] [PowerPoint]
- Python notebook: [Colab] [Zip]
- Concept check questions: [Interactive SVG] [Solved PDF]
- Additional reading: AI Part I 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1
- Video: [Canvas]
Lecture 2: Asymptotics, Worst-Case Analysis, and MergeSort
Pre-lecture resources
Lecture resources
- Lecture notes: [PDF]
- Slides: [PDF] [PowerPoint]
- Python notebook: [Colab] [Zip]
- Concept check questions on asymptotics: [Interactive SVG] [Solved PDF]
- Concept check questions on sorting: [Interactive SVG] [Solved PDF]
- Additional reading: AI Part I 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2; CLRS 2.3, 3
- Video: [Canvas]
Lecture 3: Solving Recurrences and the Master Theorem
Pre-lecture resources
- Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources
- Lecture notes: [PDF]
- Slides: [PDF] [PowerPoint]
- Concept check questions: [Interactive SVG] [Solved PDF]
- Additional reading: AI Part I 4; CLRS 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
- Video: [Canvas]
Lecture 4: Median and Selection
Pre-lecture resources
- Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources
- Lecture notes: [PDF]
- Slides: [PDF] [PowerPoint]
- Python notebook: [Colab] [Zip]
- Concept check questions: [Interactive SVG] [Solved PDF]
- Additional reading: AI Part I 6; CLRS 9
- Video: [Canvas]
Lecture 5: Randomized Algorithms and QuickSort
Pre-lecture resources
- Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources
- Lecture notes: [PDF]
- Slides: [PDF] [PowerPoint]
- Python notebook: [Colab] [Zip]
- Concept check questions: [Interactive SVG] [Solved PDF]
- Additional reading: AI Part I 5; CLRS 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 7