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General Lecture Information

  • Lecture location is Skilling auditorium.
  • Lectures will be recorded and the recordings can be accessed on Canvas.


Lecture 1: Why are you here?

Mon, Jan 6, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Nima)
Lecture resources

Lecture 2: Asymptotics, Worst-Case Analysis, and MergeSort

Wed, Jan 8, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Nima)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
  • Pre-lecture Python notebook: [Colab] [Zip]
Lecture resources

Lecture 3: Solving Recurrences and the Master Theorem

Mon, Jan 13, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Moses)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources

Lecture 4: Median and Selection

Wed, Jan 15, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Moses)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources

Lecture 5: Randomized Algorithms and QuickSort

Wed, Jan 22, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Nima)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources

Lecture 6: BucketSort and Lower Bounds for Sorting

Mon, Jan 27, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Moses)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources

Lecture 7: Binary Search Trees and Red-Black Trees

Wed, Jan 29, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Moses)
Pre-lecture resources
Lecture resources

Lecture 8: Hashing

Mon, Feb 3, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Nima)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources

Lecture 9: Graphs and BFS and DFS

Wed, Feb 5, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Nima)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources

Lecture 10: Strongly Connected Components

Mon, Feb 10, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Moses)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources

Lecture 11: Dijkstra and Bellman-Ford

Wed, Feb 12, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Moses)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources

Lecture 12: Dynamic Programming: Bellman-Ford and Floyd-Warshall

Wed, Feb 19, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Moses)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources

Lecture 13: More Dynamic Programming: LCS, Knapsack, Independent Set

Mon, Feb 24, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Nima)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: None this time!
Lecture resources

Lecture 14: Greedy Algorithms

Wed, Feb 26, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Nima)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources

Lecture 15: Minimum Spanning Trees

Mon, Mar 3, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Moses)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources (coming)

Lecture 16: Max-Flow and the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm

Wed, Mar 5, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Moses)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: [PDF]
Lecture resources

Lecture 17: Stable Matchings and Gale-Shapley

Mon, Mar 10, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Nima)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: None this time!
Lecture resources

Lecture 18: What's next?

Wed, Mar 12, 10:30 am12:00 pm (Nima)
Pre-lecture resources
  • Pre-lecture exercise: None this time!
Lecture resources